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Tutors Portal

Web App

Independent Tutors Portal

Allows the supervisors to find the Tutor for the Client (Students) which fits the most their needs and requirements. Challenge was to develop all functionality in a secure manner with supporting the principles of the legal and medical information confidentiality via the set of access rights and profiles developed in the system.

Technology Stack

  • Clickable wireframes
  • UI/UX design
  • Web app development
  • QA
  • With Tutors Portal Users Can

    • Create and manage diverse information of both types of profiles – the Client and the Tutor, specifying all their professional characteristics or problem description, work and fee preferences, contact details and so on.
    • Filter and search the most matchable Tutor and assign them to the Client.
    • Create and manage the tutoring sessions between the assigned Tutor and their Clients, taking into account general work availability of the Tutor and their planned workload.
    • Create and manage invoices to be paid by the Clients via the Stripe.

    Results of Our Work

    Independent Tutor Portal is successfully implemented as web app, where both clients and tutors can manage their accounts and schedules.

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    Out technical, design, sales & marketing teams will gladly share their expertise and help bringing your idea to life!

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    Have a project in mind? Let's talk

    Out technical, design, sales & marketing teams will gladly share their expertise and help bringing your idea to life!

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