Finding the right developers shouldn’t be a long and expensive process. We help startups and enterprises build high-performing teams — without upfront payments, unnecessary delays, or uncertainty. Just the right IT professionals, matched to your needs.
With over 10 years in IT development, we understand what makes a great developer.
Our hiring process takes just 2 to 6 weeks, but if you’re looking for Flutter, Node.js, or ReactJS developers, we often have pre-vetted candidates ready to start within days.
You only pay 13% of the annual base salary, and if you're hiring for Flutter, Node.js, or ReactJS roles, there's no upfront fee at all.
We don’t just match CVs to job descriptions. Every candidate goes through soft skills assessments, technical interviews, and background checks so you only get the best.
We specialise in the most in-demand technologies, helping you build a strong, scalable development team — fast.
Understanding your needs, crafting the job description.
Posting vacancies, reaching out to candidates, filtering CVs.
Soft skills check, followed by a technical interview with our senior developers.
You meet the final candidates and make the decision.
We assist with job offers, contracts, and onboarding guidance.
50% on the first working day, 50% after the probation period.
We have access to professional networks and databases, helping us to search for candidates. Our screening includes a background check and a few interviews to make sure we find you the best possible specialist.
Fill in the form below, and we'll get back to you within 24 hours to discuss your hiring needs.
If you are ready to have a call with us asap, feel free to book available slot here!