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2016 in Review

Looking back at 2016, Diversido Mobile experienced exciting changes, success, and growth. Discover our journey, achievements, and the amazing people who joined our team!

Author name

Tanya Kobzar

Founder and CEO


So, 2016 is ending

So, 2016 is ending, and it is a good time to look back and do a little retrospective what this year brought Diversido Mobile and the team. It was a year full of changes, unexpected events, inspiring success and recognition and, of course, new great people!

  • Significant changes in the company structure – Anton (one of the founders) decided to leave and create a separate company, taking part of the team and some clients and project with him. That was unexpected but turned to be to the better, as we changed the company direction and goals, working processes and approaches.
  • Our team is growing – four brilliant new professionals joined us this year, and one more is starting to work early January 2017. The company is its people, and I am so happy to have such an incredible team around!
  • We consistently continue our successful work on Upwork, getting great new clients, excellent ratings and a lot of recognition. I participated as a speaker at several events, and Upwork made a beautiful video about us –

The whole crew came to Kyiv

The whole crew came to Kyiv, and we had two days shooting in the office, in the flat, on the city streets, that was a lot of fun!

  • We earned our first $500K! Not bad at all, setting $1M goal to 2017!
  • We won The Best Upwork Agency Kyiv 2016. That is a great honor for us to receive this award, the next goal is to be the best agency in Ukraine, but the competition is tough 🙂
  • This year we met several new clients with the exciting projects, and continue to work with our beloved existing ones. We are so lucky to collaborate with such a brilliant people creating great products!

The resolutions for 2017 would be:

  • Continue company growth, adding new talented people to the team
  • Constantly improve our work processes and approaches
  • Find new perspective clients, partners, and opportunities
  • Win new awards and get well recognized all over the world
  • Reach $1M earnings mark 😉
New Year greeting card
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