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Meet Abdo Riani!

Diversido partnership with Abdo Riani. Now he is a founder of AspireIT , MVSOT and Upify agencies, he helps others startups to grow.

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Tanya Kobzar

Founder and CEO

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I am happy to announce our partnership with Abdo Riani, a speicialist in startups and tech, who initiated and was involved in the launch of over 50 startups. His startup journey began almost 8 years ago, when he learned how a few lines of code can make such a big impact in people’s lives. He is currently the founder of AspireIT, MVSOT and Upify, an agency and two startups that provide passionate entrepreneurs with all the necessary resources to turn ideas into valuable and viable startups.

Through his personal website, AbdoRiani.com, Abdo is on a mission to help startup founders connect the dots about what it takes to build a scalable startup. The Startup Guides, Bootcamps, Posts, Infographics, Resources and other tools are designed to help the first-time founders make sense of the scattered startup knowledge out there on the internet, in one single source. With just an interest in entrepreneurship, founders are taken through the startup journey with methods, frameworks, bootcamps, examples, tools, tactics and strategies.

For founders that are eager to execute, an Idea Execution program is put in place during which entrepreneurs are supported to take an idea to market within 30 days.

Learn more about Abdo at AbdoRiani.com and make sure you join the Startup Community to be the first to get notified about the next Idea Execution program and ask Abdo any questions you may have.

We will work closely with Abdo to help startups grow and deliver value, share useful information and educational materials, participate in boot camps and other events. Looking forward to the fruitful partnership!

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